Monday, August 30, 2004

...and more on chaplaincy at Athens...

Back (deep) inside the Athlete's Village...a few words and thoughts from those official chaplains who ministered to the athletes through the RSC (Religious Services Centre)...

"But, with all this talk of watching events, do not think that chaplaincy ministry within the Village has been neglected. We have seen the value of having a truly international set of chaplains who have sports chaplaincy experience and contacts with the various national delegations and teams. Although the Religious Services Centre is where we're based, it is definitely not the centre of the ministry action. Most chaplains come into the RSC to check in and then are rarely seen again. Just as with our Aussie/Kiwi bible study group, there have been bible study groups, prayer meetings, services etc... - regular and one-off - held all over the village at different times and in different languages. While these are now beginning to wind up as athletes either go home or disappear on sightseeing trips, we are still finding Christians who have not realised that the RSC exists. A number of the athletes that we have ministered to come from countries where they have little Christian fellowship and / or are persecuted for their faith. Please pray for them. Often chaplaincy at major sporting events is one of very few opportunities that they get for fellowship and teaching. For example, one athlete from a mainly Muslim nation is the only Christian on his team. He is the only Christian he knows in his town and he has to go a long way to get to church. He related the story that when he became a Christian, his father took an axe and got ready to kill him unless he would renounce Christ. Thankfully, his father found he could not go through with his threat. "

As the Games wind down there are a few important things to remember and pray about...I was reminded of this is a short press release...

"Athens, August 27 - Pressure is mounting on Olympic athletes. Those who fail to win a medal often drop into an "inner void" according to an accredited counselor in the Olympic Village.

Because they believe that their four-year intensive preparation has been in vain, athletes seek understanding and consolation from Christian counselors. They are not part of the Olympic team or trainers and other officials.

(The counselor) was mostly in contact with (Eurpoean) swimmers. Their disappointing performance was criticized heavily in the press thus aggravating the situation for the athletes. Though open evangelism is out of bounds in the Olympic village, many sportsmen and women attended worship services. Approximately 100 athletes took part in the Sunday services for one non-English language group alone. During one of these services a European badminton player was baptised."

Yes...I do have more tomorrow even though the Closing Ceremony is now concluded.

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