Sunday, August 15, 2004

Trails West-AIAIA

While musing on AIA activity at Athens I realized that for this project at least we in AIA could be known at AIAIA (Atheletes In Action In Athens).

Here is an interesting report from our Mexican AIA staff serving temporarily at least then with AIAIA...

"Last night, our AIA Mexico staff traveled 3 hours to meet with the Mexico women's soccer team. They were "told" that they could meet with the women after dinner but that never materialized.They waited, prayed and began to talk with one of the Greek police in the area. He asked what they were doing and where they were from. After being told they were Mexicans and needing to see the soccer team, the Greek policeman escorted the AIA staff to a meeting room in the hotel. The soccer team was JUST sitting there waiting, as if it was a planned meeting!Our AIA staff gave EVERY team member a DVD of Christian athletes stories in their language! A very divine appointment!They arrived back to our hostal at 6 am in the morning! Go GOD and AIA Mexico!!"

Please continue in prayer for effective outreach to individuals at the Olympics...that athlete and fan would fine much More Than Gold in this adventure.

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