Thursday, March 17, 2005

Preparing for Game Three

I've been to the Kings training sessions twice this week and I can assure you that they have not let up in the least. In fact, I can't remember being to sessions before that have had such sustained intensity. Things are looking good right now with a recovery day today (Thursday) and (possibly) the final training of the year on Friday AM...with the game on Saturday--looks to be a sell-out (first one of the year).

I had a short talk with Jason yesterday about his uni classes...and prayed with one of the guys (at the side of the court) regarding his injury. We're simply asking that the Lord will give him what it takes to get through the championships so he can recover in off season. Also talked with Wheels about what the Lord was saying to me in regard to my ministry role (he brought it up!). I had a great time over lunch with one of the other players talking about how he could know God personally. It was a very relaxed question and answer time while sharing stories from our lives with each other. He said he was beginning to understand a lot better how Christianity was more about a personal relationship with God than it was a commitment to doing things like reading the Bible and going to church.

What a privilege for me to have this time to input with these young men.

Go the Kings!

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