Monday, March 14, 2005

Grand Final--Second Win to Kings

Well, only one to go!

The Kings ventured boldly into the heart of the Hawks territory--at the SandPit--Sunday avo.

Despite the overwhelming crowd support for the hometown team, the Kings just seemed to pick up where they left off last Friday. After taking their initial jump into the lead they were able to maintain momentum by the final buzzer to win by 25 points.

Hard to single out individual effort, as each one (including the bench) made a significant contribution...and the entire bench played some minutes.

Behind the scenes, Jason did some more good work on recurring development project. CJ did well inspite of his injury (evidently Goorj told him he was going to have to play through the pain until this was over). Had a photographer from World Wide Challenge (US-based Christian publication) who arranged a press pass and came in after the game to get some shots of the team. He is working on a story about how Jesus changes lives.

Due to my ill-timed travel arrangements, I arrived late to the pre-game coaches talk and our usual time for prayer with those who want to pray. Jason grabbed one of the guys before the pep talk and they had a short prayer together. Encouraging for me to see this taking place even when I'm not there!

The "boys" were on a high as the left the Sand Pit (and rightly so!). It will take a huge effort for Wollongong to win all three of the next three games (two of them in Sydney)...and the Kings would prefer to win the final game at home (for the celebration of course) the season could wind up by Saturday night at the Entertainment Centre.

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