Saturday, December 04, 2004

Wollongong Tonight!!! Bring 'em on!

Actually looking forward to the game against the # 1 team tonight as Wollongong visits the Kings in Sydney...and I'm not sure why! Probably because I like being with the team whether we win or lose. Great guys!!!

Injuries to two starters in one game a while back has brought our recent record to three losses in the last four games. But this is where you learn much about a team's character...and about the men who play the game. (Not to mention the chaplain who is learning much about prayers for healing!)

I love Goorj's attitude..."As a coach, I have never been so vulnerable with a team before. This is a big challenge to me...and I love it. Challenge is always an opportunity."

I will be meeting with several players before the game who want to pray as a group...thinking about sharing II Corin. 4:17-18 as an encouragement to persevere and keep perspective. This is an unusual position for the team to be in...and the verse seems appropriate.

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