Saturday, September 11, 2004

Good on ya, Gov!

Governor-General Says Jesus is the Greatest Leader Ever

Interesting story by David Adams in Sight...

Australia’s Governor-General, Michael Jeffery, has told a meeting of business figures this week that Jesus Christ was the “greatest personification of true leadership the world has ever seen or ever will see”.With Jesus already capturing headlines across the country thanks to his depiction in the Mel Gibson film, The Passion of the Christ, Major-General Jeffery told a gathering of business in Perth that Jesus continued to inspire people across the world.“By demonstrating supreme moral and physical courage, he embodied a universal wisdom and creed that has transcended time, place, culture and language, such that his example continues to inspire many, many hundreds of millions of people, indeed billions, around the world today,” he was reported as saying.

Great example of someone using his "platform" to boldly lift up the King of Kings!

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